While in-person classes are on hold, we wanted you to know that we have been working hard to stay in front of our athletes, developing classes to make our program better.

One of these developments is our virtual classes. We fondly call it BloomZoom. This effort began about 2 months ago by offering one class a week with Michele Stanley leading a strength class and Patrina Anthony leading a dance class on alternative weeks. Then we added a yoga class led by Mynette Murtagh Randall. We found that our athletes really liked these virtual classes and attendance continues to grow, with as many as 70 people working out with us at any one time. Because of that demand, we are now doing 2 classes per week. The virtual program has taken on a life of its own and Michele Stanley has graciously agreed to lead this effort going forward. THANK YOU MICHELE!

Michele, Patrina, Mynette, Beth Posa, and Kasey Buchtien will alternatively conduct classes in dance, strength, yoga, and Pilates. If you are interested in being part of the BloomZoom program, contact Michele at michele.stanley@gmail.com.